
Understanding Hagiography and its Textual Tradition: the Late Antique and the Early Medieval Period (6th-11th centuries)

University of Lisbon, October 24-26, 2018

Between the sixth and the eleventh centuries, passions, lives of saints, translations of relics, miracles and other hagiographical genres underwent a remarkable process of transmission and rewriting. This conference aims at producing a fresh look at the transmission and the evolution of these crucial pieces of the spiritual and cultural life in the early Middle Ages. It will explore manuscript and textual traditions and literary reshaping, both in the history of the hagiographic genre and in the evolutionary process of the specific texts, without overlooking their function as pieces of a cult or simply of edification.

Call for papers

The papers should focus on hagiographic texts (passions, lives of saints, translations of relics, miracles and other hagiographic pieces) produced between the sixth and the eleventh centuries, as well as on hagiographic books (passionaries, legendaries and other sorts of compilation) composed before the late eleventh century. The papers must present original results arising out of a current research.

Main thematic lines

  • Transformation of the hagiographic text, both at the linguistic and at the literary level, generating new versions (by abbreviation, amplification or otherwise).
  • Textual history and manuscript tradition.
  • Creation, evolution and transmission of passionaries, legendaries and other sorts of compilation.

Keynote speakers: François Dolbeau, Guy Philippart, Carmen Codoñer, Monique Goullet, Paolo Chiesa, Rosalind Love, Mark Humphries, Paulo Farmhouse Alberto, Patrick Henriet, Rossana Guglielmetti, Rodrigo Furtado.

Organization: Paulo Farmhouse Alberto, Paolo Chiesa, Monique Goullet.

Submitting papers

The papers should be 20 minutes in length and can be presented in English, French, Italian or Spanish. An abstract of ca. 200 words, including the name, institution and email, should be sent before May 31 2018 to: Acceptance of the papers will be sent before June 30, 2018.

Inscription fees

70 € for participating with paper.

50 € for Ph.D. students presenting a paper.

The payment should be done before July 31, 2018. Bank account details will be provided later. The fee includes the coffee breaks and a special dinner on the evening of first day of the conference.


Categories: News-Announcements


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