Greek sanc­tu­ar­ies have been stud­ied for more than 150 years, but mainly with a fo­cus on tem­ples, stat­ues, mon­u­ments and sac­ri­fi­cial rit­ual. Our con­fer­ence adopts a dif­fer­ent per­spec­tive, that of the hu­man vis­i­tor, in or­der to ex­plore the hands-on, lo­gis­ti­cal ex­pe­ri­ence of some­one com­ing to a Greek sanc­tu­ary. Of in­ter­est is how peo­ple trav­elled to the lo­ca­tion and once there, the lo­gis­tics as to where they slept, cooked, ate, drank and took care of their hy­giene, but also how trash and waste were han­dled, how trans­port and sac­ri­fi­cial an­i­mals were cared for, and if mar­kets oc­curred and what was bought and sold. In short, to what ex­tent did the ar­chi­tec­ture and ac­tiv­i­ties in Greek sanc­tu­ar­ies re­flect the needs of the hu­mans and an­i­mals pre­sent? A more pro­found un­der­stand­ing of the prac­ti­cal and mun­dane ac­tiv­ity at sanc­tu­ary vis­its of­fers new per­spec­tives to the tra­di­tional study of Greek cult places by fo­cus­ing on other sides of an­cient Greek re­li­gion and so­ci­ety than those usu­ally ex­plored.

At­tached file: Pro­gramme

Lo­ca­tion: Swedish In­sti­tute at Athens

With the kind sup­port of: Riks­bankens Ju­bileums­fond


Gun­nel Ekroth, De­part­ment of ar­chae­ol­ogy and an­cient his­tory, Up­p­sala Uni­ver­sity (gun­nel.ekroth@an­

Ju­dith Bar­ringer, School of His­tory, Clas­sics and Ar­chae­ol­ogy, Ed­in­burgh Uni­ver­sity (J.M.Bar­

David Sc­ahill, Lec­turer, Dept. of His­tory and Ar­chae­ol­ogy, Uni­ver­sity of Athens (drsc­


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