Wadham College proposes to appoint a Fellow by Special Election in Ancient History. This is a fixed-term, non-renewable, two-year appointment from 1 September 2019 until 31 August 2021, with the postholder based at Wadham College, Oxford.

The post is funded by Wadham College, and is designed to support the teaching and research development of an early career scholar.

The Fellowship will provide an excellent opportunity for an academic at an early stage of their career to develop their teaching and research portfolio. The successful candidate will be elected to a Fellowship from 1 September 2019, with the appointment held in the first year on a probationary basis.During the first year, when Peter Thonemann, the College’s primary postholder in Ancient History, is on leave, the Fellow will be responsible for providing twelve hours a week of undergraduate tuition in Ancient History at Wadham, averaged over three eight-week terms. The successful candidate will be expected to give tutorials for at least two of the six Ancient History Period papers in Classics and at least three other Ancient History papers, including at least one of the Mods [i.e. First Public Exam] Special Subjects. The Fellow will also be expected to carry out the normal duties of a College Tutor, including setting and marking collections (internal termly examinations), and, in collaboration with the tutor in Classical Languages and Literature, assisting with undergraduate admissions and access initiatives, attending Tutorial Board meetings, and sharing responsibility for the pastoral care of undergraduate students.

During the second year, the post-holder will share teaching and administrative/pastoral responsibilities with Dr Thonemann. The precise arrangements will be decided in discussion with the successful candidate, but the teaching load for this second year will be significantly lighter (not more than three hours a week averaged over the whole academic year), and will include periods in which they can devote themselves fully to developing and carrying out an independent programme of research.

The stipend will be £29,515 in the first year of the appointment, and will be taxable; additional allowances are available. Further particulars, including information about how to apply can be found below. The deadline for applications is noon on Monday 14th January 2019.

Wadham College is an equal opportunities employer. Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford.

More Information: Wadham College


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