The arts and culture produced in Athens from the signing of the peace treaty with Persia in 449 B.C. to the end of the Peloponnesian War in 403 B.C. are the subject of this international conference. The commencement of the Acropolis building program paved the way for the creation of Classical art, an “imperialist” art that originated in Athens and spread to other parts of Greece and beyond. The temporary conquest of Athens by Sparta and the installation of the regime of the Thirty Tyrants toward the end of the century marked a dramatic change in the status and political power of the Athenians.
Papers will investigate the development of the visual arts in this period, characterized by massive building, political conflicts, and imperialism on the part of Athens. The focus of the conference will be on Athens and Attica. The papers deal with many types of material evidence (architecture, sculpture, ceramics) as well as the results of new excavations and new research relating to this seminal period.



June 6

7:00-7:15 Opening remarks by the organizers, Jenifer Neils and Olga Palagia
7:15-8:15 Manolis Korres, “Classical Architecture in Athens”
8:15-10:15 Reception

June 7

Session I: Attic red-figure vases, Chair: Tyler Jo Smith
10:00-10:30 Alan Shapiro, “Nests of Oligarchs on Classical Red-figure Vases”
10:30-11:00 Eurydice Kefalidou, “The Dioskouroi Between Athens and Sparta Once Again: A New Attic Red-figure Vase with ‘Saltantes Lacaenae’ and the
Dioskouroi from Piraeus”
11:00-11:15 Discussion
11:15-11:45 Coffee
11:45-12:15 Amalia Avramidou, “Athens and Neapolis in the Fifth Century B.C.: The View from the Parthenos Sanctuary”
12:15-12:45 Angelos Zarkadas, “Boreas and Oreithyia: The Abduction of a Kanephoros in the Panathenaic Procession”
12:45-1:15 Dyfri Williams, “An Informed View? Fifth-century Sculptors and Sculptures Through the Eyes of Vase-painters”
1:15-1:45 Discussion

Session II: Sculptures from Athens and Attica, Chair: Carol L. Lawton
4:30-5:00 Despina Ignatiadou, “A Bronze Paw Possibly Connected to the Parapegma of Meton on the Pnyx”
5:00-5:30 Iphigeneia Leventi, “New Insights into the Iconography of Attic Votive Reliefs of the Late Fifth Century B.C.”
5:30-6:00 Hans R. Goette, “Two Votive Reliefs of Herakles”
6:00-6:30 Sascha Kansteiner, “Statues of Asklepios Created by Athenian Artists. Written Sources and Copies of a Fifth-century Prototype”
6:30-7:00 Discussion

June 8

Session III: The Athenian Agora, Chair: Yannis Lolos
10:00-10:30 Ann Steiner, “Civic Spaces and the Classical Ideal: New Evidence from the Tholos in the Athenian Agora”
10:30-11:00 Susan Rotroff and Kathleen M. Lynch, “The Crossroads Enclosure in the Athenian Agora: A Preliminary Report”
11:00-11:30 Andrew Stewart, “The Sculpture of the Temple of Ares/Athena Pallenis in the Athenian Agora: Research and Retrieval, 2012-2019”
11:30-11:45 Discussion
11:45-12:15 Coffee

Session IV: The Athenian Acropolis, Chair: Aliki Moustaka
12:15-12:45 Panos Valavanis, Nikolas Dimakis, Eirene Dimitriadou, “Managing the Open-air Sacred Space on the Athenian Acropolis”
12:45-1:15 Eliza Sioumpara, “The Area of the Chalkotheke on the Athenian
Acropolis during the Second Half of the Fifth Century B.C.”
1:15-1:45 Mark Fullerton, “Archaism and Autochthony on the Post-Periklean
1:45-2:00 Discussion

Session V: The Parthenon, Chair: Dimitris Plantzos
4:30-5:00 Raphael Jacob, “Fragments des statues des frontons du Parthénon”
5:00-5:30 Basileia Manidaki, “News from the Parthenon Cella: the Question of an Inner Frieze”
5:30-5:45 Discussion
5:45-6:15 Coffee
6:15-6:45 Olga Palagia, “South Metopes 13-21 of the Parthenon: Peirithoos’
6:45-7:15 Jenifer Neils, “Kekrops or Erechtheus? Re-reading the West Pediment of the Parthenon”
7:15-7:30 Discussion
7:30-7:45 Closing Remarks


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