The Lisbon Classics Seminars, which the Centre for Classical Studies normally hosts for visiting academics, is now being held online in Zoom due to social restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

All those interested in joining our online seminars are welcome to do so. If you wish to participate in these seminars, all you need to do is to send an e-mail message with your name and institutional affiliation to If you are an independent scholar, you are also welcome to join us.

June 15, 16:00-17:00 GMT+1
Kyle Gervais (University of Western Ontario)
Res dictu horrenda: The Virgilian-Ovidian Allusive Program of the Medieval Metamorphosis Flaminis in Gallum.

June 29, 16:00-17:00 GMT+1
Sophia Papaioannou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
Genre, Politics and the Construction of Roman Myth: The Case of Ovid’s Anna Perenna

July 14, 16:00-17:00 GMT+1
Victoria Pagan (University of Florida)
Tacitus’ Omnipresent Vespasian

Rodrigo Furtado, Director
Centre for Classical Studies
School of Arts and Humanities
University of Lisbon

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