Offer of 1 post-doctoral fellowship at the Centro de Estudos Clássicos e Humanísticos (CECH), University of Coimbra

Application period: 20th August – 2 September

Applications should be formalized by email to


Fellowship applicants academic profile:

PhD holders in Classical Studies or related areas.


Some mandatory admission requirements:

– The PhD degree obtained in the 3 years preceding the date of submission of the application;

– Applicants with a PhD degree obtained in an entity other than the host institution.


Other relevant information:

a) Application and all associated documents, including the letters of motivation and recommendation, are accepted in Portuguese or English;

b) Work to be carried out: scientific research in line with CECH’s General Project and/or one of the ongoing Secondary Projects;

c) Expected outputs: publication of article(s), chapter(s) of book(s) or book(s); collaboration in scientific events organised or co-organised by the CECH;

d) Scientific Supervision: The scientific activity will be supervised by Carmen Soares and Maria Margarida Miranda;

e) Assessment methods: Curriculum evaluation and Interview to the three best candidates of the Curriculum Evaluation.

Selection criteria: Candidate Merit (Criterion A), PhD Area (Criterion B) and Interview with the top three Applicants ranked under Criterion A (Criterion C).

Applications considered admissible will be scored on a scale of zero to twenty on each of the following evaluation criteria:

Criterion A – Merit of the Applicant, with the weight of 50%;

– Sub Criterion A1 – Academic Background (reflecting the classifications of doctoral, masters and undergraduate degrees), with the weight of 60%;

– Sub Criterion A2 – Personal Curriculum (reflecting the scientific and professional path, and academic, when applicable), with the weight of 30%;

– Sub Criterion A3 – Motivation Letter, with the weight of 10%.

Criterion B – PhD area, with the weight of 30%

– Sub Criterion B1: area of PhD in Classical Studies (20 points), area of PhD in History – specialty in Ancient History or Classical Archaeology (16 points), other related areas of PhD (12 points) – 50%

– Sub Criterion B2: relevance of the PhD thesis to the research developed in the General Project and/or one of the Secondary Projects of CECH – 50%

Criterion C – Interview, with the weight of 20%;

– Sub Criterion C1 – communication and oral expression, weighing 50%;

– Sub Criterion C2 – analysis and critical judgement, weighing 50%.

Application submission: the following documents must be attached to the application:

– Identity card/citizen card/passport details;

– Applicants curriculum vitae;

– Certificates of qualification of the degrees held, specifying the final classification and, if possible, the classifications obtained in all the courses held;

– Registration of recognition of academic degrees awarded by foreign higher education institutions and registration of the conversion of the respective final classification to the Portuguese classification scale, or, alternatively, declaration of honour of the candidate that he obtained the recognition of the foreign degree equivalent to that of a doctor by the end of the application deadline;

– Letter of motivation;

– Letters of Recommendation (two);

– Write the application and all associated documents, including the letters of motivation and recommendation, in Portuguese or English;

– Declaration on honour from the candidate(s) indicating the scholarship(s) of the competition type he/she has held and the respective duration of the same.

NB: Candidates with academic degrees obtained abroad will be required to present a Certificate of Recognition in accordance with the applicable legislation.

In the case of degrees awarded by foreign higher education institutions, and in order to ensure the application of the principle of equal treatment to candidates with foreign and domestic degrees, the following is noted:

– It is compulsory to provide the document of recognition of these degrees and the conversion of the respective final classification to the Portuguese classification scale.

– Only candidates who have obtained the PhD degree with the maximum classification by the end of the application deadline will be admitted. If they do not yet have the certificate of completion of the course, they will be accepted as a declaration of honour that they have completed the necessary qualifications for the purpose of the competition by the end of the application deadline.  The granting of the scholarship is always subject to the presentation of proof of ownership of the academic qualifications required for the grant.

f) Grant duration: maximum of 24 months.

g) Amount of the grant: The grant amounts to EUR 1,600.00 corresponding to the monthly maintenance allowance stipulated in the FCT table. This monthly subsidy will be paid at the end of the month, by bank transfer (to this amount must be added the voluntary social insurance corresponding to the first step, if the applicant opts for it, as well as the personal accident insurance). The amount of the scholarship will not increase throughout its duration.
For more complete information, only available in Portuguese, see HERE.


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